Friday, July 15, 2011

Single in a Double World

So I had this conversation with my mom the other day, why can't single women have friends that are married? Why is it that men don't want their wives to hang out or go out with a single girl? Are they afraid the singleness might wear off on their wives? Or that if the single girl would talk to a guy that the married girl would have to too? I have lost many friends since becoming single. Many friends who are married, some I know are because husbands pressure them, some don't want to choose a side(which I would never ask someone to do). I do have one great friend who is still friends with Mr. Wrong ( that's what I will call my ex-husband, Mr. Wrong), and friends with me. She and her husband and kids are still great friends with both sides of the story, mine and his. But the majority of my friends from being married are gone, don't answer the phone when I call, have unfriended me on FB, all these things I can handle. I'm a big girl! My feelings might be hurt for a short time but I'll get over it. I would rather have a couple really good true friends, then a whole pile of fake worthless ones who aren't going to be there when I need a friend.


  1. My husband says its because their man is insecure, :( I really understand how you feel because I got married really young and lost all my friends. We should all hang out more! My husband doesn't care if you are single! LOL - Tamara

  2. My mom went through this after her husband died. Bingo--all the friends are gone. She was quite resentful

  3. It is hard when you start to realize who people really are. Especially when you were so sure you already knew. I have always had a hard time keeping girl friends. And honestly there have been times when I am completely confused as to why a friendship has ended. Insecurities can be the demise of all kinds of relationships. But one thing I have learned in life is when I find those few and far in between people who are exactly who you thought they were in the beginning, you know where you stand with them and there is no doubting how they feel about you. I hate gray areas and when people just won't be up front and honest or secure enough with themselves to make a friendship work. Know that you can be that friend for many people cause you are of that caliber Becky. If they are so quick to write you off and not be there for you then it is their loss. Rejection is always painful but strength is priceless and you've got it girl!!! No more Mr. Wrong's!!!! You will find Mr. Right. No is of that standard for you yet and there is good reason for that. You will find it. I have all the faith in the world in that. And when you realize what true love really feels like and you aren't just giving they are just taking man you will understand why it took so long!!!! I love you much!!! And remember......Love is a Battlefield
